Bone China is a very popular name, not only for the class but shows status of a person using it, throughout the world bone china cups, mugs, plates, bowls etc. are used daily, although one may not know the fact that bone china dinner sets may cost you from some $75 to $4000. the more thinner and finer the costlier it becomes.

But the real fact is that world over millions of people are fooled every year when they purchase ordinary items in name of bone china. But the question is can we ourselves identify real bone china from ordinary ceramic items.

How To Test Real Bone China?
Sound Test Of Bone China
Take The bone china utensil in your hand and bang your first finger on it or take two bone china utensils and bang** them very slightly in both the cases if you are getting a sweet bell sound then this is real bone china but if you get a dub sound then it may be poor quality bone china or ceramic. After this we proceed to visibility and light test
Take The bone china utensil in your hand and bang your first finger on it or take two bone china utensils and bang** them very slightly in both the cases if you are getting a sweet bell sound then this is real bone china but if you get a dub sound then it may be poor quality bone china or ceramic. After this we proceed to visibility and light test

Visibility and Light Test for Bone China
A piece of bone china contains at least 25% of bone ash, and this compound not only adds strength and white color to the china, but also makes it translucent. Not totally transparent, but enough for the light to pass through it. So if you hold up any piece of bone china up to a light and place your hand behind it, you should be able to see your fingers through it which confirms real bone china.

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